Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The horrors of administration

I absolutely cannot stand my administration. I already let EBR have it for the lack of support I have received as a new teacher, not only to Glen Oaks, but to the district too - I just get passively reprimanded whenever I fail to perform a task that was never sufficiently explained to me. But today I emailed my AP to ask for clarification on how to submit grades because when I tried to do it today, it didn't work correctly (and may I add, I was never shown or told how to do it in the first place - I was just yelled at when my progress report grades weren't submitted correctly). I received an email back this afternoon saying:

"Please ask a seasoned teacher to help you figure it out. Also, your duty post is the front office during 5th hour. Make sure you're there every day."

Yes, thank you for all your help. No one else in the 8th grade has my planning period, and I can't ask another teacher from another grade because they're all on a completely different schedule than us (another obviously well-thought-out plan by the administration). Also, um since when do I have duty during my one and only planning period? The whole time? Part of the time? Aren't you legally required to give me that planning period?

I am just so incredibly frustrated with this whole school.

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