"Time after time, they have rejected compromises on social issues because of fundamentalist rigidity, not Christian engagement with a changing world. They could have agreed, for example, to secular civil unions for gays - and not full "marriage" rights - but instead they insisted that neither were acceptable at all. They could have made a strong and vital case for the immorality and evil of abortion as a civil-rights issue, without demanding it be criminalized by the state. They could have accepted a compromise on contraception in health-care policies, but they have refused...
...And the obsession among Catholic and evangelical leaders with an issue like contraception stands in stark contrast to their indifference to, for example, the torture in which the last administration engaged, the growing social inequality fostered by unfettered capitalism, the Christian moral imperative of universal health care, and the unjust use of the death penalty."
I am in no way trying to start anything here, I just needed to express how wonderful this Newsweek article is. And what does this have to do with teaching? Well, I'm reading the article on my planning period, and let's face it - I deal with the intelligences of 8th graders all day. I needed an intellectually stimulating post.
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