Monday, November 28, 2011

Stuck between Thanksgiving and Christmas

I actually had a really really fantastic start to the beginning of the end of my break. So I'm sitting in BWI waiting for my flight to New Orleans and I'm observing this very strange and annoying phenomenon - every other person that walks up to my gate freaking already knows someone there are proceeds to exclaims "oh my gosh, what are you doing here? Why are you flying out of Baltimore?" Ironies upon dramatic ironies, I would find myself repeating this statement only moments later (ridiculously less annoying to those around me, of course). Of all people to come waltzing up to my gate was my suite mate from institute this summer - who is from Maine, by the way. Her family just so happened to decide to spend thanksgiving in Annapolis and so she was on the same flight back with me! It was truly fantastic catching up because she is one of those people who can put a smile on your face even when you're venting about the horrors of teaching. Even though she only teaches and lives one parish away from me, of course I never get to see her so it such a treat! It was also really nice to hear that I am not the only one burnt out/ feeling jaded/ feeling entirely under-supported in one way or the other, especially from someone not teaching horrid middle school children (she gets the little 2nd graders, although, bless her heart because I would take my 8th grader's insane behavior over a 2nd grader's neediness any day).

Beyond that wonderful encounter coming back to school has been... Well it's been like a middle schooler's first day back from a week long break, with less than a month until Christmas. I will admit though, it certainly was far from my worst day at school this year, so maybe my students are improving?

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